Timeless Shop Images

0 1 Inch Micrometer Drawer Starrett Brown  Sharper.jpg
Assortment of Finishing  Roughing Endmills Countersinks Boring Bars Woodriff Key Cutters  Fly Cutters.jpg
Assortment of Standard Size Reduced Shank Drill bits.jpg
Assortment of Taper Shank Large Diameter Drill bits.jpg
Close up of Antique Square Nuts Produced By Columbia Machine in Early Mid 1900s.jpg
Close up of Bolts Produced By Columbia Machine in Early Mid 1900s.jpg
Close up of Manufacturers Date on Norton 6x12 Surface Grinder (MFG'D 1942).jpg
Close up of Shear Drive Gear.jpg
Close up of Shop Files Drawer.jpg
Detail Shot of Gear on Niles Vertical Shaping Machine.jpg
Detail Shot of Lodge  Shipley Lathe Cross Feed Handwheel.jpg
Niles Press Gauge.jpg
Columbia Machine Company Zanesville Ohio

Specializing in machine fabrication, milling, drilling, tapping, shaft work, MIG and TIG welding, parts repair and much more.

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